- Author, Artist & Christian Contemplative -

Keren Dibbens-Wyatt
Keren Dibbens-Wyatt is a Christian contemplative and mystic with a passion for prayer and creativity. She writes to encourage others into knowing the Lord more intimately through prayer, art and nature, as well as to share the poetic ponderings of her heart.
In 2024 Keren will have been a Christian for 40 years, and she continues to answer a call into a deep prayer relationship with the Lord, practising centering prayer and contemplation daily. She is no stranger to difficulties as she has had disabling M.E. for over two decades, often being housebound or using a wheelchair. Currently, Keren is mostly bedbound.
Keren has an honours degree in English and European Literature. She lives in South East England with her poet husband, where she writes prayers, poetry, blogs, articles, theology, and fiction for both children and adults. Her writing features regularly on spiritual blogs and in literary journals.
Keren's first book, Recital of Love, a collection of love letters from God, was published by Paraclete Press in September 2020 and is available wherever books are sold.
A few years ago she discovered a talent for painting in pastels which she enjoys immensely, painting and drawing using a board on her lap when able to sit up, and other interests on the rare occasions energy allows include reading, embroidery , enjoying nature, photography and crochet.